Agricultural operations as large as ours require a lot of vehicles, and we want them to be as environmentally responsible as possible. That’s why we’re transitioning to low-emission transportation technologies.
In 2020, we began to evaluate what it would take to transition our diesel-powered yard trucks to electric. We’ve since added four electric yard trucks at our pistachio processing facilities. These trucks cost less to operate, have better safety features, and are more comfortable to operate.
In 2023, we added two new electric yard trucks to our pomegranate facility. With the majority of electricity at both our pistachio and pomegranate facilities coming from on-site solar, these trucks have significantly lower emissions than their diesel counterparts. We plan to add more of these trucks to our fleet in the coming years.
We are also exploring the use of electric pickup trucks in our farming fleet. Our first step is to roll out a pilot program. We’re hoping a successful pilot will then be our green light to start transitioning the rest of our 400 pickups from gasoline to electric.