Preparing employee's children for college

One-on-one counseling helps students achieve their dreams of pursuing college or a career

Whether preparing for college or thinking about starting a career right after high school, having the right support and resources can make all the difference. That’s why we provide high school students with college and career advisors starting in ninth grade. In all, we support over 500 students each year at over 70 high schools across California’s Central Valley.

Beginning in ninth grade, we provide one-on-one counseling, weekly homework labs, and individualized tutoring sessions, where students receive general guidance on how to successfully complete high school. We also take them on trips to college campuses as early as freshman year, exposing them to college life and what each campus has to offer.

We regularly meet with their parents, discussing topics like career choices and college options. We review each student’s academic transcripts to make sure they’re on track for graduation and ensure financial aid is in place for those who need it.

Once students reach the twelfth grade, we ramp up preparations for life after high school. For college-bound graduates, our coaches work around the clock hosting college application and financial aid workshops, advocating with universities, and helping families navigate the unfamiliar and sometimes daunting college systems.  

But, of course, college isn’t everyone’s preferred path. For those students interested in beginning a career directly out of high school, our team at the Wonderful Career Center is available to help with résumés, job placement, mock job interviews, networking, or whatever else they need to prepare them for a career in their desired field.  

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